A note on kitchen blunders...

I will be the frist to admit: I am crazy.  I mean who doesn't have their crazy moment right?  But I am crazy enough to think every once in a while that if its not broken, I should still fix it aka throwing my perfectly finished apple pie under the broiler since I was broiling red peppers anyways, thereby ruining the one amazing desert I had mastered the day before.   Truthfully, although I've gotten lots of compliments, to which I humbly recieved, I have lots of kitchen blunders as well, so much so that John has dedicated the bounty comerical's motto to me: "when great intentions go wrong in the kitchen."  However, I promise only to post recipies of the good stuff, and I'll be sure to post the blunders for some laughs.  With that in mind: what should we make next? 


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